To read this article, you’ve probably experienced the pain of getting rejected for not being jabbed or are afraid of how to navigate the new dating landscape. As if rejection wasn’t enough, there’s now an additional barrier to overcome between potential partners – the vaccination mindset.
With vaccination badges assigned as rewards to users with a verified vaccination on conventional online dating websites and apps, it’s becoming increasingly harder for unvaccinated singles to find suitable matches. Vaccination is not only a matter of medical status but also a subject of choice for what someone will accept or not in their body. That’s why bonding with the right singles that respect others’ preferences is key to every successful relationship.
Vaccination vs rejection: the dilemma
To give you a taste of what vaccination rejection feels like, we’ll share the example of Lisa, an online single woman who was searching for love on dating sites.
“I dated a jabbed man for a few months in 2021. He didn’t know my position on the jab back then, purely because I was still in the process of making my own decision. I was considering getting jabbed just to appease him as he asked me a few times in our relationship when I was going to get it.”
“I’m so glad I didn’t now, as he dumped me and moved on very quickly to a jabbed woman. Fortunately, I’ve had a lucky escape as had we remained together for a few months longer, I’d probably end up having it to please him, which is a ridiculous reason to have an injection in my body. It should be freedom of choice. It saddens me that this issue is such a divisive one.”
Vaccination is more than a medical choice
Choosing whether to get the vaccine or not is an expression of freedom, influenced by physical self-disposition, fear, hesitation, medical, religious or other reasons. The bottom line is that all choices are to be respected.
Having a partner who doesn’t respect this fundamental choice of yours indicates that the relationship has unhealthy roots. Different mindsets will lead to either constant fights if both parts are strong-headed or one part (usually the weaker one) sacrificing their beliefs to please the other.
We strongly believe that connecting with the right individuals is key from the very first communication. That’s why our online dating site is a safe space for unvaccinated online singles searching for love and a beautiful community to connect with without feeling guilty or pressured to do things they’re not comfortable with. Register today and find your kind of people!