COVID-19 has changed many aspects of our lives, and dating is no exception. After the vaccination wave, there’s been a significant shift in dating preferences, making it harder for unvaccinated singles to find their match. Or did it?
The moment that lockdowns began, people turned to online dating sites to keep up with their dating momentum. Not only that but living alone and quarantined pushed singles to prioritise finding love. However, they found that the dating scene had changed drastically.
A simple question, “Are you vaccinated?” was now determining a swipe left or right. As a result, people became less and less willing to compromise their expectations for safety, so they wouldn’t go on a date or have sex with someone who isn’t vaccinated.
How vaccination status affects online dating?
Online dating sites, such as Match, Cupid, Tinder, or Bumble, created a badge of honour for vaccinated users to encourage more people to get their shots. So now, similarly to adding age, education or hobbies, there’s a functionality for adding your vaccination status as a way of attracting the right matches. Additionally, the sites push vaccinated users up in the algorithms, boosting their exposure as a reward for getting their shot.
What’s worth pointing out is that matching with similar vaccinated users is not only a matter of public health concerns but also an image of someone else’s beliefs and values. So, for example, unvaccinated folks might be in misalignment with vaccinated users when it comes to their microcosm and point of view. No one wants to be fighting on their first date, right?
Is vaccination status a deal-breaker for unvaccinated singles?
According to Dating.com, 86% of users declare that vaccine is a deal-breaker when it comes to dating. No shot, no date. Similarly, Match.com released its statistics with 56% of users being very concerned about a date’s vaccination status and 46% declaring that they’ll only be comfortable going out in the dating pool once they’re fully vaccinated.
Although now more than ever, people want their lives back and are ready to go out there and have fun dating, these are unprecedented times, and people are hesitant to take risks. That’s why online dating has become the new norm, with dating sites releasing new functionalities to make interactions smoother. So, if you’re looking for love, online dating with a vaccination status filter might be the way to go.